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Amare Knives - Quality Design from Germany

Amare Knives: Qualitativ hochwertige Messer mit persönlicher Verbindung. Design von Ulrich Hennicke.

Amare Knives ist eine deutsche Marke, die sich auf die Herstellung von hochwertigen Taschenmessern spezialisiert hat. Das Unternehmen wurde von dem renommierten Damastschmied und Messerdesigner Ulrich Hennicke gegründet, der seit 1995 eine Leidenschaft für ausgefallene Messerdesigns hat. Nachdem Hennicke die Hohenmoorer Messermanufaktur gegründet hatte, die sich auf die Herstellung von Kochmessern aus Monostahl, Dreilagenstahl und Damaszener Stahl spezialisiert hatte, lernte er Weixiang Meng kennen, der eine Messerfabrikation in China besitzt. Gemeinsam gründeten sie Amare Knives, das sich auf die Herstellung von Taschenmessern für den täglichen Gebrauch und große Abenteuer konzentriert. Das Motto von Amare Knives lautet: "Dein bester Freund im Alltag und Begleiter auf Lebenszeit. Wir erschaffen Messer, die verbinden." Amare Knives ist bekannt für seine kreativen und innovativen Designs und möchte Taschenmesser herstellen, die nicht nur nützlich sind, sondern auch eine persönliche Verbindung zu ihren Benutzern aufbauen.

Amare Knives: High quality, handmade pocket knives with a personal connection. Design by Ullrich Hennicke.

Amare Knives is a German brand that specialises in the production of high-quality, handmade pocket knives. The company was founded by the renowned damask blacksmith and knife designer Ulrich Hennicke, who has had a passion for unusual knife designs since 1995. After Hennicke founded the Hohenmoor Knife Factory, which specialised in the production of chef's knives made of mono steel, triple-layer steel and Damascus steel, he met Weixiang Meng, who owns a knife factory in China. Together they founded Amare Knives, which focuses on making pocket knives for everyday use and great adventures. The motto of Amare Knives is: "Your best friend in everyday life and companion for life. We create knives that connect." Known for its creative and innovative designs, Amare Knives aims to make pocket knives that are not only useful, but also create a personal connection with their users.

Amare Knives is a German brand that specialises in the production of high-quality, handmade pocket knives. The company was founded by the renowned damask blacksmith and knife designer Ulrich... read more »
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Amare Knives: High quality, handmade pocket knives with a personal connection. Design by Ullrich Hennicke.

Amare Knives is a German brand that specialises in the production of high-quality, handmade pocket knives. The company was founded by the renowned damask blacksmith and knife designer Ulrich Hennicke, who has had a passion for unusual knife designs since 1995. After Hennicke founded the Hohenmoor Knife Factory, which specialised in the production of chef's knives made of mono steel, triple-layer steel and Damascus steel, he met Weixiang Meng, who owns a knife factory in China. Together they founded Amare Knives, which focuses on making pocket knives for everyday use and great adventures. The motto of Amare Knives is: "Your best friend in everyday life and companion for life. We create knives that connect." Known for its creative and innovative designs, Amare Knives aims to make pocket knives that are not only useful, but also create a personal connection with their users.

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Amare Knives Field Bro G10 Black 202004

Amare Knives

Field Bro G10 Black
€107.90 *

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Amare Knives DURO Expedition One Outdoor Knife

Amare Knives

DURO Expedition One
€143.90 *

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Amare Knives DURO Expedition One Outdoor Knife

Amare Knives

DURO Expedition One
Amare Knives DURO Expedition One - Inexpensive outdoor knife with convex blade made of K110 steel. 11.7 cm blade length. Rosewood handle scales. Uli Hennicke design. With belt holster made of Italian leather.
€143.90 *

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Amare Knives Field Bro G10 Black 202004

Amare Knives

Field Bro G10 Black
Amare Knives Field Bro G10 Black - Perfect EDC pocket knife with 8.3 cm VG-10 blade and black G10 handle scales. With robust, ambidextrous LR lock. Convertible pocket clip.
€107.90 *

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