The Japanese short sword of the samurai is called a wakizashi, but is also known as a Shōtō. It is traditionally worn together with the katana on the obi, the kimono belt. This way of wearing it is called "Daishō", which literally means "big and small". In contrast to the katana, the wakizashi was not only allowed to be worn by samurai, but also by respected peasants, feudal gentlemen and merchants.
Besides ritual duties, the wakizashi served as a backup sword if the katana broke in battle. Since the longsword was usually sheathed inside buildings, the wakizashi served for battles in corridors and small rooms. Rarely, both the long sword and the short sword were fought with at the same time. This technique originated in the mind of the famous fighter Miyamoto Musashi.
The manufacture of the wakizashi is very similar to that of the katana and has the typical characteristics. The handle is made of ray skin and cotton. A blade between 30 cm and 60 cm long is usually made of high-carbon steel and is attached to the handle by two bamboo pins. The stabbing blade is also strong. It can also be stowed in a wooden scabbard.
John Lee
Shiro WakizashiReady to ship in 3-5 Days
John Lee
Musashi Ichi WakizashiReady to ship in 3-5 Days
John Lee
Zaza Iaito WakizashiReady to ship in 3-5 Days
John Lee
Golden Flower WakizashiCurrently not available
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Red Wood Iaito WakizashiReady to ship in 3-5 Days
John Lee
Ten Kei WakizashiReady to ship in 3-5 Days
John Lee
Imori WakizashiReady to ship in 3-5 Days
John Lee
Dragon WakizashiReady to ship in 3-5 Days