The James Brand - Portland, Oregon
Modern tools and pocket knives for everyday use!
The mission of The James Brand is to bring modern tools and folding knives for everyday use to the market. And it has to be said that they are really doing a great job! The fresh company was founded in 2012 in Portland, Oregon.
The team consists mainly of designers and adventurers who are on the road every day to experience something. Again and again, they noticed things along the way: A knife or tool wouldn't be bad here! Of course, the market for knives and EDC is huge, but nothing seemed to fit the group. With the guiding principle: " If you don't find what you want, you have to make it yourself!". Pen and paper were quickly at hand and the chic EDC designs were started. It was important for them to take a new approach. Tools with a clear design language that had never existed before. With minimalist influences and a focus on high-quality materials, the "James" brand was born.And indeed, James are unlike anything we have seen before.
They don't just sell products in different colours, they bring passion and a clever idea behind a lovingly created design to the customer. The tools function as an interface between lifestyle accessories and practical every-day carry tools. With their diverse functions, the James Tools cover all tasks of everyday life and beyond.
The James Brand
The Palmer Electric GreenReady to Ship 14 days
The James Brand
The Palmer TurquoiseReady to Ship 14 days
The James Brand
The Palmer Coral TurquoiseReady to Ship 14 days
The James Brand
The Carter Coyote Tan G10Ready to ship today
The James Brand
The Chapter 2 White TitaniumReady to ship today
The James Brand
The Redstone Coyote TanReady to ship today
The James Brand
The Chapter 2 TitaniumReady to Ship 20 days
The James Brand
The Chapter 2 Black TitaniumReady to ship today
The James Brand
The Warrick Bit Driver Coyote TanReady to ship today